Friday, August 29, 2014

Potimarron and Yokohama Squash

Look what I got at the farmer's market last week. Two heirloom's, potimarron and yokohama squash. Potimarron, as it's called in France, or red kuri squash has a sweet chestnut like flavor.  Yokohama squash apparently has a wonderful complex flavor and the shape is a delight to gaze upon. I might even be inspired to make a squash like this in clay.

The two squash couldn't be more different. I've been reading about how to store winter squash. Apparently squash with the stem on is better. Let the squash cure for about a week till it develops a dry thickened skin and then store for up to six months in a cool dry location.

I love discovering and trying new foods. Now how to cook them. Any ideas? Thanks for reading and for all your comments.


  1. They must be bakers, but I'd keep reading.

  2. Not varieties of squash I have ever seen - but fascinating. Let us know what you make of them.
    How did the stall-holder at the Farmers' Market recommend cooking them?

  3. Hi Joanne, thanks, I think any squash that has a thick skin should be baked for optimum flavor.

    Hi Sue, thanks they recommended cutting them up and baking them. I always put them in a shallow water bath but wondered if other's have tried other recipes.


I love suggestions, questions, critiques, thanks for your comment